How to cure your hangover
Hopefully you’re not reading this at 11am still in bed feeling sick, dizzy, weak and with a bad headache. If you are though, here’s our action plan to help you get back on your feet and cure your hangover.
Not more alcohol though – you need time for your body to recover. Drinking alcohol leads to dehydration. Although you may have drunk a lot of liquid last night – alcohol is a diuretic causing you to pee. Dehydration is the main cause of your hangover symptoms. So the cure starts here. Rehydrate with water or isotonic drinks. Avoid sugary fizzy drinks like Coca Cola as they can also dehydrate.
One of the best ways to avoid a hangover in the first place is to start your rehydration before your hangover in the morning. Drink some water before going to bed and reduce your alcohol intake by drinking water between alcoholic drinks.
You may or may not have vomited – but you’re definitely low on energy. A high energy breakfast will help revive you and make you feel less shaky. A fry-up and an antacid is a good place to start.
Eating, especially carbs and fats, before you drink alcohol will reduce the speed of absorption of alcohol and the extra energy will come in handy to later. This can reduce the chances of a hangover but only moderating your alcohol intake will really work.
Take it easy, give time for your body to recover – especially your liver. The NHS advises you avoid further alcohol for 48 hours. Remember alcohol levels can still be high in your blood stream the morning following the night of your party. Don’t get caught out by last night’s high alcohol levels and drive when you may still be over the limit.
Stay Healthy!
The best cure of course is to not drink in the first place – and there you go – no more hangovers!
The scientific evidence agrees excessive alcohol is dangerous to your health. Men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis. Avoid “binge drinking” and spread your alcohol intake over three or more days if you regularly drink as much as 14 units a week.
If you want to cut down, try to have several drink-free days each week.
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