Medstars in their Eyes | Dr Reshma Rakshit

Reshma Rakshit, Consultant Gastroenterologist
Reshma Rakshit

Medstars caught up with consultant gastroenterologist, Dr Reshma Rakshit, who has extensive experience working both in the NHS and privately. Reshma began practising at Broomfield Hospital where she was the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Lead and the Lead for Endoscopy Training.

Reshma is now the only female colonoscopist offering paid-for healthcare in Chelmsford. Fittingly, Reshma describes herself as ‘Queen of the Jungle’ (although Medstars can only assume Chelmsford has a lot less trees) and attributes her determination and outlook on life to the values instilled by her mother.

So, let’s hear from Reshma herself…

My friends and family describe me as…

“Sincere, hardworking, courageous and empathetic.”

My hero/heroine is…

“My mum. She is the bravest lady I know. She has taught me all of my life skills. She has taught me to go out and get what I want. Most importantly, she has taught me to try, try and try again and if I fall, to try again. She instilled in me that being clever is important but being determined is more important.”

If I wasn’t a consultant gastroenterologist, I would be a…

“Musician – as I love all kinds of music and believe in the healing power of it. Through music, I would be able to reach  a larger number of people than I do individually in medicine. Music is universal and it makes me happy.”

My favourite element of the job is…

“Face to face patient contact. As a doctor I am able to see humanity for what it really is. I wouldn’t find being behind a screen as enjoyable. I often feel that body language is more important and more telling than the words people speak.”

My greatest professional accomplishment has to be…

“Becoming a doctor. Becoming a doctor has allowed me to study science and gain an understanding of the human body which is arguably the greatest invention of all time.’ However,  a few months ago Reshma decided to take up swimming lessons because she couldn’t swim and wanted to be able to get in the pool with her 5 year old daughter and she can now swim lengths alone. Reshma shared with Medstars that she is prouder of this than any of her professional achievements.”

Reshma and her mother smiling
Reshma and her mother
I believe one thing everyone should do in their life is…

“Charity work. Everyone should be thankful of one’s life. The most essential element of being a human being is empathy.”

My favourite childhood memory is…

“There are so many! In India, we had a veranda in our house and my cousins and I would sit out there together in the evening. I used to sit and wait for my mum to get back from work and it was so exciting when I caught a glimpse of her.”

If I was stranded on a desert island, my belonging of choice would be…

“My daughter! She is my dearest possession (although she is not a possession as such!) We would have lots of adventures together. As a child, she sees life in a very different way which in turn allows me to see things outside of my adult box.”

If I could be any animal in the world, I would be a…

“Lioness – the Queen of the Jungle! A lioness is the protector of all her subjects and leads with strength.”

The one artist that makes me happy is…

“Eric Clapton is always a favourite – he used to sit at the top of my CD tower. His music is so heartfelt. A couple of my favourites are Tears in Heaven and My Father’s Eyes.”

I like Medstars because it is…

“Innovative, engaging and patient-focused.”


Group photo at charity run
Reshma taking part in a charity run to raise money for MENCAP with Essex Indians.

You can book a consultation with Dr Reshma Rakshit, who has specific expertise in Expertise in irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, Crohn’s disease, colitis, reflux disease, coeliac disease, liver diseases and nutrition, here.

Consultant Gastroenterologist

First Visit £250

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